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Helping others in a unique, powerful & effective way


Rejuvenate You, Inc. is inspired and in partnership with God, supported by family, and developed from my "mid-life discovery".  I discovered I had not been taking care of myself emotionally and physically.  Very quickly health issues began to rob me from enjoying life. 


However, it was when I discovered the Emotion Code & Body Code that rejuvenation really began as no other intervention had done in the past.  This technique has transformed my physical and mental energy as well as my emotional and spiritual well-being. The physical issues I experienced that stemmed from emotional baggage would still be here had I not been able to identify and release the negative weight of energy behind the symptom or imbalance that caused the physical or emotional issue.


Relationships are being restored, physical and emotional imbalances are coming into alignment, and financial blocks are shifting in a way I never dreamed was possible!

I have personally seen or heard stories over and again, how clients no longer experience the symptoms of imbalance or negative energy they had prior to working with me.  I am blessed and honored for the opportunity to serve others through this modality.  Emotional and physical balance can be yours starting now. 


Break the chains of decreased mental, physical or spiritual challenges.  We are made to thrive together, not just survive and do it alone.  I look forward to sharing practical and easy tips to Restore You and Rejuvenate You, Mind, Body, & Soul!


"Thank you, Robyn, you are an amazing,

compassionate and inspirational person!"











  • Certified Emotion Code, Body Code & Level 3 Belief Code Practitioner  ~Discover Healing

  • Certified Limbic System Rewire Coach  

  • Certified Healing in the Kingdom  Ambassador & Coach

  • Certified Health Coach & Life Coach                                   

      ~Health Coach Institute--an ICF and CCE Accredited Program

  • Nationally Certified and MN Licensed Occupational Therapy Assistant

  • Certified Belief Clearing Practitioner ~Clearing Academy

  • Certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) & TFT Thought Field Therapy Technique) Tapping Master Practitioner ~Complimentary Therapist Accredited Association

  • Certified Caregiver Coach/Consultant                                      ~MN Board on Aging

  • Certified REACH Interventionist                                   ~Resources Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health in the Community

  • Trained in Compassion Fatigue and Stress Management 

  • Speaker and Trainer



Connect with Rejuvenate You on:   

Phone 218.244.9580

© 2019 Created by Robyn with

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Disclaimer: The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  As an Emotion & Body Code Practitioner, I help remove energy imbalances. As a Health, Life, & Caregiver Coach, I help clients achieve health-enhancing practices or “habit change” with coaching.  I do not diagnose or treat disease, prescribe medication, nor perform the functions of clinical occupations outside the scope of my training.  Please consult your doctor prior to working with me in any capacity.  I am happy to work with your physician’s guidance to best support your well-being.  The service found within is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent diseases or cure any physical or medical conditions. If you have a physical, mental or medical condition, you should seek the advice of your medical professional.   

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