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Complementary and Alternative Health Care Client Bill of Rights


Robyn Gunnerson

Owner of Rejuvenate You Inc.

Certified Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner

Certified Health Coach, Life Coach & Caregiver/Dementia Coach

Certified & MN Licensed Occupational Therapy Assistant


1325 NW 4th St. Suite 200 Grand Rapids MN 55744



THE STATE OF MINNESOTA HAS NOT ADOPTED ANY EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING STANDARDS FOR UNLICENSED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONERS. THIS STATEMENT OF CREDENTIALS IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY.  Under Minnesota law, an unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practitioner may not provide a medical diagnosis or recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatments. If a client desires a diagnosis from a licensed physician, chiropractor, or acupuncture practitioner, or services from a physician, chiropractor, nurse, osteopath, physical therapist, dietitian, nutritionist, acupuncture practitioner, athletic trainer, or any other type of health care provider, the client may seek such services at any time.


  • As a client with Rejuvenate You Inc., you have the right to file a complaint without retaliation with Robyn Gunnerson at the above address or with the state of MN at Minnesota Office Building, 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155.

  • Fees will be set with the client prior to commencing agreed upon service.  Payment may be received by cash or check, PayPal, credit card, or debit card through Google Pay.  Insurances do not reimburse for this level or type of service. Clients have the right to reasonable notice of changes in services or charges.

  • Clients will be provided a brief summary, in plain language, of the theoretical approach used by the practitioner in providing services to clients prior to a session.  For Emotion or Body Code work, the practitioner simply uses muscle testing whether in person or by proxy to uncover the underlying imbalances of their issues and release them.

  • Clients have the right to complete and current information concerning the practitioner's assessment and recommended service that is to be provided.  Duration of the number of sessions is agreed upon by the client and practitioner.

  • Clients will receive courteous and professional treatment from said practitioner and sessions will be free from verbal, physical, or sexual abuse.

  • Client records and transactions with the practitioner are and will be kept confidential, unless the release of these records is authorized in writing by the client, or otherwise provided by law.  Clients have the right to access records and written information from the records in accordance with section 144.335;

  • Clients have the right to other services that may be available in the community or access other practitioners in the country; you also have the right to choose freely among available practitioners and to change practitioners after services have begun and coordination of transfer of information upon written consent.  Clients may refuse services unless otherwise provided by law.

Connect with Rejuvenate You on:   

Phone 218.244.9580

© 2019 Created by Robyn with

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Disclaimer: The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  As an Emotion & Body Code Practitioner, I help remove energy imbalances. As a Health, Life, & Caregiver Coach, I help clients achieve health-enhancing practices or “habit change” with coaching.  I do not diagnose or treat disease, prescribe medication, nor perform the functions of clinical occupations outside the scope of my training.  Please consult your doctor prior to working with me in any capacity.  I am happy to work with your physician’s guidance to best support your well-being.  The service found within is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent diseases or cure any physical or medical conditions. If you have a physical, mental or medical condition, you should seek the advice of your medical professional.   

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